Submission Guidelines

Welcome to Pennsylvania Inked, Pennsylvania’s premier tattoo magazine that celebrates the artistry, culture, and community surrounding the tattoo scene in the Keystone State. We invite talented writers and artists with a passion for tattoo culture to contribute their work. If you have an eye for compelling tattoo stories, insightful commentary on tattoo trends, or a talent for profiling the fascinating artists who ink the skin of Pennsylvanians, we want to hear from you.

1. Content Focus

  • Tattoo Culture: Articles on the history, evolution, and current trends in Pennsylvania tattoo culture.
  • Artist Profiles: In-depth features on notable tattoo artists and studios within Pennsylvania, their styles, and specialties.
  • Tattoo Art: Critiques, appreciations, and explorations of specific pieces, styles, or movements in the tattoo world.
  • Personal Stories: First-person narratives about meaningful tattoo experiences, including commemorations, transformations, and more.
  • Event Coverage: Previews, reviews, and roundups of tattoo conventions, expos, and events across Pennsylvania.
  • Health & Safety: Advice on tattoo aftercare, safety practices, and regulatory issues affecting the tattoo community in Pennsylvania.
  • Tattoo Virgins: Stories about first time tattoos from both a personal and artist perspective.

2. Style and Tone

  • Our magazine seeks an engaging, respectful, and informative tone.
  • Content should be well-researched, accurate, and provide value to our readers.
  • We encourage a vibrant and compelling narrative style that reflects the creativity of the tattoo world.

3. Submission Process

  • Query First: Please send a query letter outlining your proposed article. Include a brief summary, the angle or perspective you plan to take, and why it would appeal to our readership.
  • Pitch Guidelines: Limit your pitch to 250 words. Provide a clear thesis and a brief outline of the article’s structure.
  • Previous Work: Include links to or copies of previously published work for reference, if applicable.

4. Article Requirements

  • Originality: All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere.
  • Length: Feature articles should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words. Shorter pieces, including reviews and news items, should be 500 to 1,000 words.
  • Images: High-resolution images are desirable but not mandatory. If you include images, ensure you have the rights or permissions for publication.
  • Formatting: Submit documents in Microsoft Word or Google Docs format, using 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spaced text.
  • Citations: Provide sources for quotes, facts, and references.

5. Editorial Process

  • If your pitch is accepted, we will contact you to discuss deadlines and next steps.
  • We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, length, and adherence to our style guide.
  • Not all submissions will be accepted for publication. You will receive a response within 4 weeks of your submission.

6. Payment and Rights

  • Pennsylvania Inked offers competitive rates for articles, paid upon publication.
  • We purchase first North American serial rights and electronic rights for a period of 6 months post-publication.

7. Legal Considerations

  • Contributors are responsible for ensuring their work does not infringe on the rights of others and must obtain all necessary releases for images and content.

8. How to Submit

  • Email your query letter and pitch to
  • Subject line should read: “Article Submission: [Your Article Title]”

9. Deadlines

  • We accept submissions on a rolling basis but refer to our editorial calendar for theme-specific deadlines.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Inked Keystone. We are dedicated to providing our readers with high-quality content that honors the rich tattoo culture of Pennsylvania. We look forward to reading your unique insights and narratives.

Artist Information Requirements

To feature your work accurately and give our readers a way to connect with you, please include the following information with your submission:

  1. Full Name: Your legal name and preferred professional name (if different).
  2. Location: City and state where you are based or where your shop is located.
  3. Shop Name: The name of the tattoo shop where you work, if applicable.
  4. Shop Logo: A high-resolution image of your shop’s logo, if available.
  5. Portrait while Tattooing: A high-quality picture of you in the process of tattooing to show you in your element.
  6. Social Media Channels: Links to your professional social media profiles (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) where your work is displayed.
  7. Portfolio: A selection of high-resolution images of your best and most recent work. If submitting flash designs or merchandise designs, please ensure they are clear, well-lit, and showcase your style effectively.

Submission Guidelines

  • Content: We are looking for unique, high-quality tattoo art that demonstrates a range of styles and techniques. Submissions can include full tattoo portfolios, individual pieces, flash sheets, or original designs for merchandise.
  • Exclusivity: We prioritize unpublished artwork and designs that have not been featured in other magazines or publications.
  • Presentation: Compile your submission into a single PDF document or provide a link to an online portfolio or Dropbox folder. Make sure the presentation is professional and organized.
  • Permissions: Confirm that you have permission to use the images of your tattoos, especially if they feature clients, and that you have model releases where applicable.
  • Descriptions: Provide a brief description or caption for each image, detailing the inspiration, style, and any other relevant information about the tattoo or design.
  • Bio: Include a short artist bio (100-200 words) that captures your experience, style, and anything else you’d like our readers to know about you as an artist.

How to Submit

  • Email your submissions to with the subject line “Artist Portfolio Submission: [Your Name]”.
  • Attach your portfolio or include a link to your online portfolio in the email.
  • Ensure all images are appropriately named and organized for easy reference.

Review Process

  • Our editorial team will review submissions and select artists for features based on quality, originality, and relevance to our readership.
  • Due to the volume of submissions, we cannot feature every artist but we strive to provide feedback or suggestions for future submissions.

Feature Agreement

  • If your work is selected for a feature, we will reach out to you to discuss the use of your images and the accompanying text.
  • Artists will be credited for all work published, and the magazine will tag your social media profiles when promoting your work.


  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis; however, specific issues may have deadlines. Please inquire about upcoming themes or features to align your submission accordingly.

Thank you for your interest in showcasing your art with Inked Keystone. We celebrate the diversity and talent of Pennsylvania’s tattoo artists and are committed to promoting the work that reflects the rich tapestry of our state’s tattoo culture. We look forward to your submissions and the opportunity to share your artistry with our enthusiastic readership.

Pennsylvania Inked